Sunday, May 31, 2009

Photo Saturday: An Apparition Of The Virgin At

I was so excited to receive the virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides as part of the Picador Book Club on Twitter. I read Eugenides' Middlesex two years ago, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2003, so I was really happy to get ...

Ashra - Sunrain: the virgin Years (1996). A good overview of Ashra's late 70s albums. My big gripe with this collection is that two of the albums were solo efforts (New Age of Earth and Blackouts) and the other two were group efforts, ...

Quick Description: The Baroque Basilica of the virgin Mary Visitation with beautifully decorated interior and the neighbouring Franciscan Monastery are situated in small town Hejnice, at the foot of northern slopes of Jizera Mts. in ...

all that's hip & happening in Rome's past & present.

The Virgin

The Virgin emang punya lagu-lagu yang asik en enak banget buat didengerin, apalagi kalau lagi sepi sendiri dan nggak punya temen. Dara en Mitha emang pada cantik-cantik, untung aja diambil ama Ahmad Dhani yang notabene tuh keren abis buat ngorbitin artis-artis baru. The Virgin juga gitu, nggak laku di Mamamia, eh direkrut Dhani jadi meledak lagu-lagunya yang Cinta Terlarang apalagi.

Walau diisukan atau digosipkan lesbian, mereka tetep tenang-tenang aja en berlagak kayak memang beneran lesbian. Si Mitha nih, soalnya kek cowok, jadinya seperti niru jaman si Tatu dulu yach yang mengusung aliran dance (hehehe bener gak ya). Apapun deh, yang penting The Virgin tuh keren abis en enak banget lagu-lagunya. Mereka berdua (Dara The Virgin en Mitha The Virgin tuh emang cantik abis).