Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gay + Catholic = Violating The Virgin Mary / Queerty

All are welcome to attend this traditional service of lessons and carols retelling the story of the nativity Free entry For more information contact 0118 939.

foto the virgin Traveler: Markets and Gyros · add to kirtsy. Went to a huge market the other day in Chania. Olives, fish, rabbit, beef, veal, salt, vegetables, fruit, bakeries, nuts and lots and lots of cheese and herbs. I was in heaven, ...

foto the virgin Traveler: Take me to Creta. add to kirtsy. When we checked out of our hotel in Athens, the desk clerk asked us where we were going. The older man, probably around 60, with shoulder-length white hair, balding on top and little ...

If you're the type of gay who insists on being Catholic (or, uh, the type of Catholic who insists on being gay), good for you. But just be sure you don't try to misappropriate foto the virgin Mary, 'cause your "queer rosary" is the ...

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